Monday, December 29, 2008

Daring Bakers: French Yule Log

Daring Bakers December Challenge: French Yule Log

This month's challenge is brought to us by the adventurous Hilda from Saffron and Blueberry and Marion from Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux.They have chosen a French Yule Log by Flore from Florilege Gourmand.

I made this wonderful Yule Log o' Joy twice; once on Christmas Eve and once today. I almost threw in the towel after the first attempt but due to being sick I just figured that my mind was too foggy and that the Christmas stresses had beaten the daring baker in me. Today, with a lot less stress I pulled out the eighteen page recipe and all that encompassed this joyous holiday dessert. While my log now lay in the freezer hardening, I just now hope that the parchment paper comes off my dacquoise and that I can frost it with ease. Either way I am proud of my accomplishment and I will enjoy every inch of this precious yule log. My friends and I will be enjoying the log at our annual "core" New Year's Eve party. Thank you to all the daring bakers who gave advice and for all that fit this into their busy holiday schedules. Now, what shall the new year bring us DB's? If you wish to become a member of DB please click the Daring Baker logo on the right hand side of my page to join.

If you wish to have this recipe for your holiday celebrations next year please comment and I would be happy to forward it to you.

The frosting hasn't even set yet, but I had to post these to get my entry in for the deadline. I will be posting more after tomorrow when I actually get to eat it!


  1. Well you are definitely up there in the very small extra brave crowd for making this twice, and your log looks great! (so maybe being sick really was the issue the first time around, I know being pregnant and totally space cadet-ish was not helpful to me). I hope you'll enjoy the taste at your party. Happy New Year!

  2. So cute! I hope you enjoy it much more this time. You're to be commended for doing this!

  3. Congratulations on your December challenge! It looks very neat.
    And a happy new year to you!

  4. How pretty your log is decorated with the mushrooms and the little sprinkling of snow. Well done on the challenge this month.

  5. Melissa,
    Thanks for the compliments on the log. I love your meringue mushrooms!!
    See you next month for the next challenge!!!

  6. The mushrooms are really cute! Good job.
