Friday, October 3, 2008

Maple Pecan Streusel Cupcakes

I have been feeling a little under the weather this week (hence, why I am still awake...I mistakenly took daytime cold medicine) and had an itch to make cupcakes, but I couldn't bring myself to leave my house on Wednesday on my day of rest. I know I have an entire pantry full of food and something in there was bound to spark some creativity. I opened my white pantry doors and my eyes went straight toward a box of Maple Pecan Bundt cake mix that I purchased from Williams Sonoma nearly two years ago. At first I was hesitant that it had gone bad but the expiration date is for this January. I was going to make it as the box suggests for a bundt cake but after taking out my bundt pan I couldn't do it. Cheat on my cupcake pan? How dare I! I made the recipe according to the box but changed it slightly for the cupcake size. As soon as the cakes came out from the oven I brushed over the Jack Daniels glaze to soak into the warm cake and then when cooled I topped them off with a Maple Whipped Topping. I would like to say I did it like Sandra Lee and made it a little semi-homemade. At least it curbed my baking itch and Jim's co-workers had a sweet piece of cake for breakfast. I would post the recipe, but it is really long and it's a boxed cake mix, not my own.

As you can tell I was easily amused today...

The finished product...they were like a stack of pancakes! yummy.

1 comment:

  1. A friendly reminder,
    Congratulations, you were picked as a winner from my 1st blog giveaway!

    In order to have this delivered to you, I will need your Name and address to pass along to them.

    Hope you enjoy your pasta meal! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Please email me soon or I'll have to pass this on.

