Friday, September 12, 2008

Black Cherry Cuppy-Cakes

I made these cupcakes a few weeks back but I am finally getting around to posting it. The recipe behind this cuppy-cake is the same as my luciously light lemon cuppycakes. I saw a recipe on jello's website and I tried it out. I think I like the lemon recipe better and I am moving on. . .

For the cake:

  • I used store-bought white cake mix. Make the batter according to recipe

  • Portion 24 muffin cups 2/3 with batter

  • Bake according to package, (I baked mine for 18 minutes)

For the Frosting and Cuppy-Cakes:

  • Large package of Black Cherry Jell-O

  • Large container of Cool Whip

  • Large package of Jello-O Dark Chocolate Pudding (made with 1 c. milk vs. 3 c.)

While the cuppy-cakes are baking:

  1. In medium bowl dissolve lemon jell-o with 1 c. hot water, add 1 c. cold water once dissolved. (the box will say 2 cups of hot and cold water, I decreased the amount).

  2. Once the cuppy-cakes have been removed from the oven, immediately poke them with a toothpick over, and over to create holes for the jell-o to soak.
    Soak all the warm cuppy-cakes with the mixture. Be generous with this step, give the cuppy-cakes a minute to soak and then add more. You do not want them to be dry in some areas.

  3. Place the cuppy-cakes in the refrigerator to cool.

  4. Meanwhile, mix chocolate pudding and cool whip in a large bowl. Once thoroughly mixed, place back into cool whip container and place back in refrigerator.

  5. Once the cuppy-cakes are thoroughly cooled, place the frosting mixture into a large zip-lock bag or pastry bag.

  6. Frost the cuppy-cakes as desired.

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